Sunday 31 July 2011

New Kitchen Gadget!

Hi, hope you all are all having a fabulous weekend! I am absolutely loving the warm sunny weather here, it's about time we had some sun here in the UK. It feels great not having to wear my winter woolies for once......
I decided to go to York to spend some of my Lakeland vouchers that my friends gave me for my birthday and bought this really cute mini Kenwood mini blender. Had a quick trial with it over the weekend which I followed a Madhur Jaffrey's Mussaman curry paste recipe.

I chopped up red chillies, shallots, garlic and galangal (use ginger if you don't have any)
Blend the shallots until they are finely minced

Grind up coriander seeds and pepper in a mortar and pestle

Add a tablespoon of shrimp paste and all the other ingredients and blend away again!
Once I blended into a smooth paste, I used half of it straightaway in a mussaman curry that I made for tea and then stored the rest in the freezer by putting it into an ice cube tray.

I have to say using this mini blender is so quick and easy to use, I'm all about minimising the time it takes to chop up foods. I could see myself using it for a lotta different things - humous, guacumole, pesto, chopping up ginger, garlic, chilli.......The only downsize with it is that its small in capacity so you have to be careful not to over fill the plastic bowl otherwise there's no room for things to move around when you turn the blender on.

Got to finish off with a pic of Henry looking gorgeous as usual.....He is looking quite satisfied himself as he had just eaten some tender juicy pieces of chicken......